WHY PAY MORE at Boutique if You can get Branded & Authentic Bags right at your finger tip. 100% AUTHENTIC GUARANTEED!!
We "DO NOT" Sell Knock-off, Fake, Imitations, Counterfeit or Designer Inspired items.
Our bags are cheaper than retail, this is simply because we source them direct from overseas where the currency and selection is better.
COACH SIGNATURE PILL BOX 60353 - RM 239.00 Now RM 180.00 - Signature " C" Jacquard Fabric - Leather Trim - Zip closure with leather pull - Interior: Fully fabric lining - Included 3 pill container - Size: 3.5" W x 1.5" H x 2.75" D (Take out the pill box, you can put in make up essential/contact lenses box)